Monday, May 27, 2013

Maximilian Monday: The Essence and Purpose of the MI

Today we look into what the essence and purpose is of the Militia of the Immaculata; this is what St. Maximilian Kolbe says on this matter:

"The essence of the MI consists in its belonging to the Immaculata unconditionally, irrevocably, without restriction, and this under every aspect.

The MI began and developed through holy obedience. And it could not be otherwise, for its essence is to be of the Immaculata, the Immaculata's servant and child and slave and thing and property and so on; in brief, to be hers under every aspect. Make yourself disappear and become as if her. The most essential element in such a transformation is the adjustment, the fusion, the union of ours will with hers.

The ultimate purpose of man is the purpose towards which he tends, and for which he uses the means of attaining it.

The love of God through and in the Immaculata is our purpose, and our life is our means. Consequently we should use up our life for that purpose.

To win as many souls as possible for the Immaculata is our life, our breath, our every heart beat. Thus we dedicate ourselves to the Immaculata more and more, unconditionally and irrevocably, and to engraft this dedication in the heart of everyone in the whole world, so that she might be able to rule at will in our hearts and in the hearts of everyone in the whole world. In other words we must bring about the accomplishment of the purpose of the MI in the whole world, as swift as possible, and then remain watchful so that no one remove the banner of the Immaculata from any heart.

What an enormous work!

And then death, after a life so laborious, long suffering and utterly used up for the Immaculata!

To bend the proud neck of the world to the feet of the Immaculata is the purpose of the MI: to win the whole world and every soul in particular for her as soon as possible, as soon as possible, as soon as possible. Then the kingship of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign through her upon the earth.

It is absolutely necessary to gain the whole world for her, so that the reign of sin will cease.

What do we wish to say by the words, "strive for the conversion and sanctification of souls through the Immaculata?" What do we stress by these words?

We wish to emphasize that the shortest, surest way to conversion and sanctification is the Immaculata. We ourselves wish to advance on this road and teach it to others.

Through the Immaculata we will attain the ultimate purpose of the MI, that is, the greatest possible glory of God.

There are two sentences placed at the beginning of the charter of the MI: "She will crush thy head" and "Thou alone hast destroyed all heresies in the whole world." In these two concepts is embodied the purpose of the Militia Immaculatae. And that is why the members of the MI dedicate themselves to the Immaculata unreservedly as tools in her hand, so that through the members she will deign to accomplish what was spoken of her in these sentences.

The Purpose of the Militia Immaculatae is to gain the whole world, all hearts and each one in particular for the Queen of both Heaven and earth. It is our goal to give real happiness to those poor souls who seek happiness in the passing pleasures of this world."

That is the essence and purpose of the MI as explained by the founder. What an enormous work indeed, but by the Grace of God we will succeed, we must succeed!
Pray: 'O Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to Thee! And those who do not have recourse to Thee, especially the enemies of the Church and those recommended to you.'

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