Monday, May 20, 2013

Maximilian Monday: Our Ideal

What is the ideal of the Militia of the Immaculata? This week, we will look to St. Maximilian Kolbe himself to answer that question:

"Behold our ideal - The Immaculata. To come close to her, to become like her, to permit her to reign over our hearts and our whole being, that she live and act in us and through us, that she love God with our hearts and we belong to her unreservedly- this is our ideal.

To influence those who surround us in order that also the hearts of our neighbors might open, so that she might be Queen in the hearts of all men wherever they are in the world, without regard for the difference of race, nationality, language, even in the hearts of all who will live until the end of the world- this is our ideal.

That her life might grow deeper in us from day to day, from hour to hour, from moment to moment and without any limits- This is our ideal.

To give one's life for the Immaculata is the summit of love!

The ideal of Marytown is to resemble the Immaculata as much as possible. We think too little about the Immaculata. We read too little about her, too seldom do we approach her. Whenever it is a question of the Immaculata, of her work, then it is never too much, never enough! But rather it is a question of doing more, becoming better, holier, more perfect!
Put on your armor, the work is just beginning

Were Marytown to cross out the Immaculata as the ladder to perfection it would lose all. There must be a battle for the highest ideal."

1 comment:

  1. I live in Galveston Tx and joined the Militia Immaculata about 12-15 years ago. I just found your site and wanted to thank you and say you've done a very nice job. You can contact me on Facebook or my email at should I ever be of any help for your cause. God bless and Amen!!
    Cindy Snipes ❤❤
