Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Gregorian Chant: Good for the soul

Gregorian Chant speaks to more than just the ears, it speaks to the soul. When I hear Gregorian Chant, my mind is elevated to contemplation, my soul is flooded with peace. Prayer comes easier, and there is a connection with eternity (as well as our Catholic history). It even helps me sleep! Gregorian Chant was once synonymous with the Mass, and it is extremely important for us to embrace it once again.

Documents from the Second Vatican Council call us to use Gregorian Chant within the Liturgy. From Sacrosanctum Concilium:

112. The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art.

116. The Church acknowledges Gregorian chant as specially suited to the Roman liturgy: therefore, other things being equal, it should be given pride of place in liturgical services.

The musical tradition of the universal Church  has been Gregorian Chant, and the definition of pride of place is as follows: 'the first or highest or most important place.'   If Gregorian Chant is suppose to hold the most important place, why don't we hear it in every Mass?

One might make the argument: "Well, it does say that other forms of music are equal..." But even using that argument, there should still be at least some Gregorian Chant within the Liturgy, but alas, there is none that I know of. We are discarding music that is truly Catholic for music that is infused with secular society, and it is detrimental to the Faith. For some reason we think that children will be drawn more by drums and electric guitars in Mass and so we don't even try to show them the beauty of Gregorian Chant. This results in kids growing up without a clear understanding of what Catholic music is. In my opinion, this lack of understanding (regarding the music in this case) contributes to the fall away from the Faith.

I don't even particularly need to know what the Latin means when I hear it, because my soul understands the prayer that is happening, and the prayer is efficacious even if my mind does not fully comprehend. That being said, I hope to one day be able to understand and sing Gregorian Chant better. For now, I will resign myself to the Chants in the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary in private.

An increase in the use of Gregorian Chant within our lives (especially in the Liturgy) will bring us closer with Our Lord. That will then supply us with abundant peace, and therefore we will have greater fortitude in this turbulent world.

The Catholic Faith and all of its culture is interesting, it's beautiful, and above all- it's True. Gregorian Chant should be sung in every Diocese, at every Parish, within every Mass. That's what the Second Vatican Council teaches us, and I pray that we would soon live that reality. I hope that one day Gregorian Chant is taught at every Parish, so that each Parishioner is able to join in the prayers of our Catholic brothers and sisters of ages past.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Maximilian Monday: The Essence and Purpose of the MI

Today we look into what the essence and purpose is of the Militia of the Immaculata; this is what St. Maximilian Kolbe says on this matter:

"The essence of the MI consists in its belonging to the Immaculata unconditionally, irrevocably, without restriction, and this under every aspect.

The MI began and developed through holy obedience. And it could not be otherwise, for its essence is to be of the Immaculata, the Immaculata's servant and child and slave and thing and property and so on; in brief, to be hers under every aspect. Make yourself disappear and become as if her. The most essential element in such a transformation is the adjustment, the fusion, the union of ours will with hers.

The ultimate purpose of man is the purpose towards which he tends, and for which he uses the means of attaining it.

The love of God through and in the Immaculata is our purpose, and our life is our means. Consequently we should use up our life for that purpose.

To win as many souls as possible for the Immaculata is our life, our breath, our every heart beat. Thus we dedicate ourselves to the Immaculata more and more, unconditionally and irrevocably, and to engraft this dedication in the heart of everyone in the whole world, so that she might be able to rule at will in our hearts and in the hearts of everyone in the whole world. In other words we must bring about the accomplishment of the purpose of the MI in the whole world, as swift as possible, and then remain watchful so that no one remove the banner of the Immaculata from any heart.

What an enormous work!

And then death, after a life so laborious, long suffering and utterly used up for the Immaculata!

To bend the proud neck of the world to the feet of the Immaculata is the purpose of the MI: to win the whole world and every soul in particular for her as soon as possible, as soon as possible, as soon as possible. Then the kingship of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign through her upon the earth.

It is absolutely necessary to gain the whole world for her, so that the reign of sin will cease.

What do we wish to say by the words, "strive for the conversion and sanctification of souls through the Immaculata?" What do we stress by these words?

We wish to emphasize that the shortest, surest way to conversion and sanctification is the Immaculata. We ourselves wish to advance on this road and teach it to others.

Through the Immaculata we will attain the ultimate purpose of the MI, that is, the greatest possible glory of God.

There are two sentences placed at the beginning of the charter of the MI: "She will crush thy head" and "Thou alone hast destroyed all heresies in the whole world." In these two concepts is embodied the purpose of the Militia Immaculatae. And that is why the members of the MI dedicate themselves to the Immaculata unreservedly as tools in her hand, so that through the members she will deign to accomplish what was spoken of her in these sentences.

The Purpose of the Militia Immaculatae is to gain the whole world, all hearts and each one in particular for the Queen of both Heaven and earth. It is our goal to give real happiness to those poor souls who seek happiness in the passing pleasures of this world."

That is the essence and purpose of the MI as explained by the founder. What an enormous work indeed, but by the Grace of God we will succeed, we must succeed!
Pray: 'O Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to Thee! And those who do not have recourse to Thee, especially the enemies of the Church and those recommended to you.'

Sunday, May 26, 2013

How we Salute in the Militia

We do it before we eat. We do it as we walk into the sanctuary. We do it when we genuflect. We start Mass with it. We end Mass with it. We do it three consecutive times before we read the Gospel. We do it when we drive past a Catholic church. We do it before the game, before we go to sleep, and before we travel. In the west we do it with our right hand; in the East they do it with their left. Some do it with three fingers; some kiss it upon its completion. Martyrs did it as they were taken to their death. We are marked with it when we are baptized. You don’t have to be literate to do it because it requires no special education  or skill. It is our salute:

In nómine Patris et Fílii et Spíritus Sancti. Amen. The sign of the cross. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It is our most simplistic prayer but it conveys and sums up the entire mystery of our faith. It’s a simple prayer but it is SO crucial to beat our battle with the flesh, the world and the diabolical. 

Paul speaks of the cross in almost all his New Testament letters: “But far be it from me to glory except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world” (Gal 6:14). 

The earliest accounts suggest that Christians traced the cross with their thumb upon their forehead. My patron saint, Saint Francis de Sales explains it this way:

We raise the hand to the forehead, saying ‘In the name of the Father’ to signify that the Father is the first person of the Most Holy Trinity, of whom the Son is begotten and from whom the Holy Spirit proceeds. Then saying, ‘And the Son,’ the hand is lowered to the breast, to express that the Son proceeds from the Father, who sent him down to the womb of the Virgin. The hand is moved from the left shoulder to the right, while saying, ‘and of the Holy Spirit’, as the third person of the Holy Trinity, proceeds from the Father and the Son, that he is the love that unites both, and that, through his grace, partake of the fruits of the passion. Accordingly the Sign of the Cross is brief declaration of our faith in the Blessed Trinity, in the passion of Christ, and in the forgiveness of sin, by which we pass from the left side of curse to the right side of blessing.”

There is no way of talking about the sign of the cross without talking about the Most Holy Trinity. Most catechists dread talking about this subject, and most priests only preach about it on Trinity Sunday. Why? Because as Saint Augustine says, “If you understand it, it’s not God.” 

No matter which way I go about this topic I’m sure to be... well-- a heretic. Just kidding.... maybe.  

Once I went to a conference where it's theme was, “God is Love.” I believe that statement is what makes us Christians. A Jew or a Muslim would say God loves. But the radical Christian difference is we say God IS Love. And I think that is the best way to explain the Trinity. 

If you say God is Love, then you have to mean that within the very being of God there is a play between a Lover, the Beloved, and the Love that they share. If God is not a Trinity, God is not love. For love requires three things: a lover, a beloved, and a relationship between them.

One Being- three Persons. 

In the creed we say “We believe in one God.” That is our Catholic way of saying what the Jews have said for years “Hear, O Israel: the Lord is our God alone.” 

God is one but we know through the revelation of Jesus Christ that God has to shown himself to be One being three persons. The sender the sent and the love in which the sent was sent. Still think the sign of the cross is simple?

So how does this apply to us today? 

We are called to be men and women who invoke the Trinity. You say “sure I make the sign of the cross all the time”. But I tell you today that we have to be MEN and WOMEN of the Triune God. Jesus gave us the perfect example. He held nothing back from the Father. That’s how we should love each other. 

^^^ That’s the principle for the Sacrament of Marriage. In marriage the two become one. So much so, that nine months later you have to name that love that was shared between the two. That is one reason why that Catholic Church condemns contraception (I didn’t say doesn’t like. I said condemn).

It’s an anti-trinity mentality. The contraceptive mentality says “I’m going to give most but not all” but the mentality of the Trinity says “Have this mind among yourselves which was in Christ Jesus, who though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but EMPTIED himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross (Philippians 2:4-7).

 Imagine for a moment if Jesus on the cross had a contraceptive mentality. What if he held back- just a little back up there on the cross? What if he just appeared to have died? (You know that’s an ancient heresy BTW) 

If Jesus had a contraceptive mentality there would be no salvation for you and me.

At the beginning of this post I named a lot of places that we invoked the Trinity. Some places I didn’t name were the bed room, computer room, office, and over a smart phone--and it’s a sad fact. Can you imagine what power would be released if we invoked God in the places where we fell often to lust, anger and pride ? 

Can you imagine what power would be released into our marriages if we invoked God in the bedroom? You’re talking about a country that spends billions on pornographic material and millions on Viagra and other related medications. It’s food for thought-what if we prayed and called down the Trinity while we partook in the martial embrace – the very action that replicates the life of the Trinity?

It’s no small thing we do when we make the Sign of the cross. It should take our breath away- but only so that we can be filled up with another breath: the spirit of God.


Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Maximilian Monday: Our Ideal

What is the ideal of the Militia of the Immaculata? This week, we will look to St. Maximilian Kolbe himself to answer that question:

"Behold our ideal - The Immaculata. To come close to her, to become like her, to permit her to reign over our hearts and our whole being, that she live and act in us and through us, that she love God with our hearts and we belong to her unreservedly- this is our ideal.

To influence those who surround us in order that also the hearts of our neighbors might open, so that she might be Queen in the hearts of all men wherever they are in the world, without regard for the difference of race, nationality, language, even in the hearts of all who will live until the end of the world- this is our ideal.

That her life might grow deeper in us from day to day, from hour to hour, from moment to moment and without any limits- This is our ideal.

To give one's life for the Immaculata is the summit of love!

The ideal of Marytown is to resemble the Immaculata as much as possible. We think too little about the Immaculata. We read too little about her, too seldom do we approach her. Whenever it is a question of the Immaculata, of her work, then it is never too much, never enough! But rather it is a question of doing more, becoming better, holier, more perfect!
Put on your armor, the work is just beginning

Were Marytown to cross out the Immaculata as the ladder to perfection it would lose all. There must be a battle for the highest ideal."

Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Lady, is that you?

There are points in history where eternity touches thetemporal. I am speaking of Marian apparitions. These are events where OurBlessed Mother has appeared to offer guidance, hope, and even warnings.Numerous of these have not been approved by the Holy Catholic Church, but thosewhich are ‘worthy of belief’ serve as reminders that God is very active inreaching out to us; it is Mary’s role to guide us in the right direction on ourearthly journey.

The Church rigorously scrutinizes any apparition, andrightly so, before one is deemed ‘worthy of belief’. To get an idea on how theydecide this, visit this link. One of my favorite apparitions is Our Lady of Guadalupe.

In the mid-16th century, Our Lady appeared to anAztec Indian named Juan Diego on Tepeyac Hill near Mexico City. Themissionaries at the time were not having much success in conversions, and thepagan nation was performing human sacrifice at the top of their temples.

Our Lady told Juan Diego that she wanted a church built onthat spot so that the people would turn away from their sin and experience theMercy of God, through her compassion. He went at once to the Bishop, who toldhim that he needed a sign to believe this story. Returning to Tepeyac Hill,Juan Diego asked the Blessed Mother for a sign. First, she informed him thathis uncle who was terminally ill would be cured, and he was. Next, she askedhim to cut the flowers at the top of the hill, to bring them to the Bishop. Goingto the top of the hill, he found beautiful Castilian roses in full bloom. Theroses were not native to that area, and they were blooming out of season on whatwas usually a barren hilltop.

Having arranged the cut flowers in Juan’s Tilma (which is acloak made of cactus fibers), Mary instructed him to return to the Bishop withthis sign. As Juan Diego opened the Tilma and let the flowers spill out, theBishop and all others who were present fell to their knees. Upon the garmentwas the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. As requested, a church was built onTepeyac Hill and over the next decade almost the entire nation of Mexico convertedto Catholicism.  Millions of peopleconverted, thousands each day, for ten years.

Today, the Tilma is still on display for pilgrims tovenerate in Mexico City. It has been studied to see how the image was created,but studies have been inconclusive. No known pigments of the time were used andthere are no traces of lines to indicate a painting or drawing. It has survivedrain and smoke, even an explosion at one point, but miraculously it has notbeen destroyed. Furthermore, this is a garment that should have decayed in tenor twenty years, but it still remains nearly five centuries later as a testamentto the events that transpired there.

There are certain Marian apparitions that touch the lives ofmillions, and the fruits of them can be seen far and wide. For me, Our Lady ofGuadalupe serves as a beacon towards the Truth, and I pray Our Lady willcontinue showing us how to turn away from our sins and live holy lives so thatwe can, among other things, end abortion which is the human sacrifice of ourtime.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Be a Nuisance Within Your Diocese

Pope Francis’ homily for Thursday May 16th:

"Paul is a nuisance: he is a man who, with his preaching, his work, his attitude irritates others, because testifying to Jesus Christ and the proclamation of Jesus Christ makes us uncomfortable, it threatens our comfort zones – even Christian comfort zones, right? It irritates us. The Lord always wants us to move forward, forward, forward ... not to take refuge in a quiet life or in cozy structures, no?... And Paul, in preaching of the Lord, was a nuisance. But he had deep within him that most Christian of attitudes: Apostolic zeal. He had its apostolic zeal. He was not a man of compromise. No! The truth: forward! The proclamation of Jesus Christ, forward!

By the way, I like the fact that the Lord has cared for this diocese, even since then ... We are privileged! And Apostolic zeal is not an enthusiasm for power, for possession. It is something that comes from within, that the Lord wants from us: Christian with Apostolic Zeal. And where does this Apostolic Zeal come from? It comes from knowing Jesus Christ. Paul found Jesus Christ, he encountered Jesus Christ, but not with an intellectual, scientific knowledge – which is important, because it helps us - but with that first knowledge, that of the heart, of a personal encounter.

There are backseat Christians, right? Those who are well mannered, who do everything well, but are unable to bring people to the Church through proclamation and Apostolic zeal. Today we can ask the Holy Spirit to give us all this Apostolic fervor and to give us the grace to be annoying when thin are too quiet in the Church the grace to go out to the outskirts of life. The Church has so much need of this! Not only in distant lands, in the young churches, among people who do not know Jesus Christ, but here in the cities, in our cities, they need this proclamation of Jesus Christ. So let us ask the Holy Spirit for this grace of Apostolic zeal, let’s be Christians with apostolic zeal. And if we annoy people, blessed be the Lord. Onwards, as the Lord says to Paul, ‘take courage!'"

Monday, May 13, 2013

Maximilian Monday: Complementum Sanctissimae Trinitatis

On this day commemorating Our Lady of Fatima, we once again present to you the writings of St. Maximilian Kolbe. He continues to speak of the Immaculata, and how we should imitate her, enjoy:

"We imitate good, virtuous, holy people, but none of these is without imperfection. Only she, immaculate from the first moment of her existence, knows no fault, not the least. It is she whom one should imitate and come close to. We should become hers, become her. Behold the peak of perfection in man.

We call her Mother,  but an earthly mother is not free from weakness. For that reason the constitutions of men make mention of the laws of children towards parents. Whereas this is a mother without stain, immaculate, and therefore any reservation on the part of the child would cause her unspeakable displeasure and wrong, for it would contain the supposition that even a shadow of stain is not impossible in her. Quite the contrary, the child dedicated to her desires that she use him and wear him out; he desires to be consumed for her.

We name her Lady, but this title places us at a distance from her maternal heart. We call her Queen, but here we must add that she is the Queen of hearts, the Queen of love. Her law is love, and her power is motherly love. These and similar explanations, although they are brought forward without end, will not even tell a part of what the soul feels when it is consumed by love of her. It experiences in itself that the Immaculata belongs to it more and more under every aspect, and yet realizes that these are but the beginnings of knowing and loving her. You will draw more knowledge about her and will be more inflamed with her love directly from her heart than from all human words put together.

Human words do not have the power to relate who she is- the real Mother of God. In reality, she is only a creature, but she is such a sublime being made by God that one would have to grasp what God is, in order to understand who the Mother of God is. She is the real Mother of God. That is a dogma of faith. She is not a mother in name only. A mother is not the parent of only a part of her child, neither is the father the parent of a part, but both the father and the mother are the parents of the whole child. And so the Blessed Mother is rightly the Mother of the whole Jesus, the God-man, and therefore the Mother of God. Although the dignity of her maternity constitutes the principle reason for all her privileges, the first grace she received from God was her Immaculate Conception: freedom from every stain, even of original sin from the first moment of her existence.

Where then is her place, and at the same time ours- we who are her property, her possession, hers? She penetrates our soul and sovereignly directs its faculties. We are truly hers. Therefore always, everywhere we are with her. But what are we to think of ourselves! Let us disappear in her. Let her alone remain and we in her, a part of her. Is it permitted to miserable creatures like us to talk such nonsense? And yet it is the truth, an actuality. When will every soul on the face of the whole earth, even until the end of the world, belong in such a manner to her? MI. MI. MI.

This truth that the Mother of God did not contract any stain of original sin from the first moment of her existence, was generally believed by all the faithful from the beginning of the Church and expressed in the sentiment that the Blessed Virgin was most pure, purer than the angels, without the least sin, and so on.

From the Father through the Son and Spirit descends each act of the love of God, creating, sustaining in existence, giving life and its development both in the order of nature as well as in the order of grace. In such a manner does God bestow his love on countless finite images. And by no other way does the return of the reaction of the creature's love ascend to the Father except through the Spirit and the Son. This does not always happen consciously, but always really. No one else but the same God is the author of the act of love in creatures. But the act does not take place without the creature's free will and consent. The height of a creature's love returning to God is the Immaculata- a being without stain of sin, wholly beautiful, wholly belonging to God. Not even for a moment did her will bend away from the will of God.

The Immaculata is someone so sublime, so close to the most Holy Trinity that one of the Holy Fathers did not hesitate to call her complementum Sanctissimae Trinitatis, i.e., complement of the most Holy Trinity. No wonder, then, the human, finite mind loses itself when it attempts to fathom her mystery, and the presumptuous head grows more stupid. Let everyone at Marytown know about these things.

The most important work entrusted to humanity, that is, the bearing and upbringing of Jesus, God entrusted to the most Blessed Mother. Therefore, can there be any comparison of the most Blessed Mother with other saints? There is none. From the divine motherhood flow all the graces bestowed upon the Holy Virgin Mary. The first of these is the Immaculate Conception. This privilege must be very dear to her since she said at Lourdes, 'I am the Immaculate Conception.' By this name so dear to her heart we wish to call her.

In order to understand more accurately who the Immaculata is, it is absolutely necessary to admit one's total nothingness, to bring oneself to humble prayer in order to gain the grace of knowing her, and to endeavor personally to experience her goodness and power."

We have just begun to break the surface of St. Maximilian Kolbe's writings, and look forward to next Monday. Until then, take some extra time each day to pray that we might all understand the workings of the Immaculata in our lives; that she would teach us to be pure, and help us unite our will to that of Our Blessed Lord. Our Lady of Fatima, Ora Pro Nobis!

Positive Alternatives

My wife and I (mainly my wife) are attempting a fitness challenge. It's only 24 days long but the eating habits it builds will last a lifetime (hopefully). It's teaching us to crave "clean food." Eating healthy food makes you feel...well...healthy. They say “you are what you eat.” Similarly, you are what you watch, listen to, talk about, and associate with. The old maxim "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" proves true.

Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light, but when it is bad, your body is full of darkness. Luke 11:34

For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world. 1 John 2:16

Hollywood is infatuated with sex, greed, pride, vanity and the perversion thereof. Take a look at the movies, albums, and books that climb their way up the charts. You'll find that they are full of content that is opposed to purity and or Christianity itself. We cannot indulge in this type of entertainment and expect to remain pure men and women. It’s sad that even the “prime time” shows on the major networks have to be avoided, but they do.

You might be feeling like this is very radical. Well, we are called to be radical. Christ was radical. We are called to imitate Him. Soooo how are we to entertain ourselves in a pure way? I gave secular music up once for lent and never really went back to it. I didn’t even really miss it. This might not be a big deal to the average radio station grazer. But upon reflection it is to me.

Average Music Grazer: (av·er·age myoo-zik graz·er) Noun

a. One who has no specific taste in music
b. One who likes music because it is popular.
“I asked her what genre of music she preferred. She said, “a little of everything.” I think she is the average music grazer.

You see, the years following college turned me into a (secular) music junkie. If it were a drug addiction- music would be the stuff you had to shoot up in-between your toes. And It made me brokeeeee because my collection grew faster than the Hulk when he was angry. I could care less about Fridays but instead awkwardly anticipated Tuesday (CD release day). So if I can find total happiness with pure media- you can too!

How did I go from where I was to where I am now? Positive alternatives. How am I finding healthier food when I prefer junk food? Positive alternatives. How did I find stuff to watch when everything on cable was smut? Positive alternatives. There are great PURE forms of music, movies, books etc. -it just takes time and effort to find them. Being a music lover, I always thought that Christian music was a little corny. In fact, I still do- especially “main stream” Christian bands. It appears to me now that what we call "Christian music " is really for the most part just "Protestant music ". Now, don't get me wrong, it is far better to listen to this than any other type of music on the radio (besides classical). But that explains the dullness of it. It's missing something - like eating food without salt. It's missing something because it doesn't have the fullness of truth. Just like Protestantism doesn't have the fullness of truth which is Catholicism. Catholicism is THE religion because of three reasons: It's true. It's beautiful. It's holy. For example, check out DeMontfort Music

We've lost a sense of all three of those things. That is why we must try our best to support authentic Catholic art and media.

Why Catholic art (music, media) needs to be supported?
1. Art is a powerful tool to aid people in transcendence.
2. If #1 isn't available people find substitutes that pollute.
3. It is a strong component of the New Evangelization.
4. The character of a culture is reflected in it's art.

But here is the crux: Would I prefer great music that includes things militantly against my beliefs or would I settle for music of less caliber that is filled with a positive message? It is like saying: Would I prefer food that taste awesome, but is bad for me or food that is decent, but makes meal feel great? The logical choice for both food and entertainment is obviously going to be the healthier choice. However, there are LOTS of great quality choices for pure entertainment (including some really cool bands and neat flicks). Positive Alternatives. Here is a great website for fresh pure entertainment  It's called 'MonkRock' and their motto is "You don't have to be a monk to live like one."

Two excellent films that were released in 2012

Call it being a vegan, vegetarian, health-nut, WHATEVER- living extremely healthy and eating pure are the new fad among hipsters and athletes alike. Why can’t living pure be the new fad? It can if you and I start doing it....before it's cool. Check this out. 

Hipster JPII ;)


Dearest Jesus! I know well that every perfect gift, and above all others that of chastity, depends upon the most powerful assistance of Thy Providence, and that without Thee a creature can do nothing. Therefore, I pray Thee to defend, with Thy grace, chastity and purity in my soul as well as in my body. And if I have ever received through my senses any impression that could stain my chastity and purity, do Thou, Who art the Supreme Lord of all my powers, take it from me, that I may with an immaculate heart advance in Thy love and service, offering myself chaste all the days of my life on the most pure altar of Thy Divinity. Amen. -St. Thomas Aquinas

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Cannon fire in Christendom

The Holy League readied for a battle that would determine the fate of Christendom. The commander of their naval fleet was a young, chivalrous man named Don John of Austria. At twenty four years old, he was chosen by Pope Pius V to stop the onslaught of the Ottoman Turks who were set for conquering all of Europe, to submit them under sharia law. This came on the heels of the attack by the Turks in Cyprus, where many Christians were butchered, and those that remained were sold into slavery. Knowing that there would be no end to this until all of Europe submitted to Islam, Pope Pius V formed the Holy League to stop them from advancing any farther. They met in the Gulf of Patras, where the Ottoman Turks had a naval base stationed at Lepanto. The Christians ships were outnumbered, but they had the blessings of the Pope, the Papal banner waved in the wind above them, and on one of the ships a replica of the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was also present. Rosaries were given to all who were aboard the Christian vessels, and Pope Pius V called upon all of Christendom to pray the Rosary for the success of the battle. Priests went across the decks of the ships hearing confessions. As the Holy League sailed towards the battle line of the Turks, the wind shifted in their favor, and having replaced the usual battering rams that were on ships during that time period for additional cannons, the battle began. In the end, the Christian fleet secured victory on the seas, having lost seven thousand men, compared to the thirty thousand lost by the Ottoman Turks. Pope Pius V was convinced that the prayers of the faithful and the intercession of the Blessed Mother had turned the tide of battle in their favor. The domination of the Ottoman Turks in the Mediterranean was at an end. Christendom was saved.

In a previous post last week I talked about the dangers of television, and how we should instead pick up authentic Catholic books and read about the Faith. I briefly mentioned that there was history that every Catholic should know about. This is a prime example. I never knew about the battle of Lepanto until just recently, and it is something that has captivated me ever since. The world that we live in today would be radically different if not for the Grace of God, the courage of Pope Pius V, Don John of Austria (a man younger than me), his troops, and the committed prayers of all of Christendom. The battle of Lepanto has been called ‘The Battle that Saved the West’ for this reason.

How much do we really know about Catholics who literally sustained the Faith with their blood, sweat, and tears? There are people who were burned alive, flayed alive, and fed to lions because they stood for the Truth. They were witnesses to the fact that there is more to this earthly life than the pleasures that are peddled to us. People would donate their wedding rings and life savings to either be melted down to make a Tabernacle, or to help build a Cathedral. There was a time when people were chivalrous, and gave everything for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. Have we done our part to continue the legacy, or have we become complacent with the things of the world?

The world is becoming increasingly hostile to Christianity, and the times of Christendom where multiple Saints were in one city giving Lenten Missions at the same time seem to be things of a bygone age. It can be distressing at times, but we can take comfort in the promise of our Blessed Lord, “And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”(Matthew 16:18)

We need to stand up for the Truth. Abortion and Euthanasia are murder. Homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered, as is any other sexual act that is not between a man and a woman within the bond of marriage with the openness to create life. The Catholic Church is the One Church established by our Blessed Lord to be the Bulwark against evil, and she is necessary for salvation. The teachings of the Church on faith and morals are protected by the Holy Spirit from error and are not there to hinder us, but to give us the fullness of life that we can only achieve when we die to ourselves and are reborn in Christ, within His Mystical Body-The Catholic Church. Our brothers and sisters, the Saints who lived before us, struggled with the forces of darkness as we do, but they did not concede to them, and nor should we. If you are not as of yet part of the Pro-Life movement, it is a great time to get on board. Defend traditional marriage when and where you can. Research more instances in history where Catholics took a stand against evil and heresy. Imagine for a moment what it would be like if all Catholics united in praying the Rosary for the end of abortion, as they united for the victory at Lepanto. May our Blessed Mother rally the troops once again as we battle against the principalities and powers, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places. I highly recommend researching more into the battle of Lepanto, it is a crucial point in Catholic history. Christopher Check has a great audio book that you can find here, and G.K. Chesterton wrote wonderful poetry about it as well. Learn the Faith, defend the Faith, and spread the Faith.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Maximilian Monday: Who are you, Immaculata?

                                                         Who are you, Immaculata?

When I was preparing for my total consecration last November/December, I had the opportunity to read about someone I had never heard of, Saint Maximilian Kolbe. In the book 33 Days to Morning Glory, published by the Marians of the Immaculate Conception, Father Michael Gaitley presents over the course of four weeks people whom he classifies as 'Marian giants'. While he was discussing the life of St. Maximilian Kolbe, he talked about how the Saint through his life had tried to answer a mysterious question; just who is the Immaculate Conception, and what is her role in our lives for bringing us home to our Blessed Lord?

The Militia of the Immaculata-Beaumont want to explore and present the writings of St. Maximilian Kolbe to everyone. His wisdom is great, his vision for the MI far reaching. Starting today we will have 'Maximilian Mondays' which we hope will give people a better idea of both the founder of the MI, as well as the Immaculata herself. I found a small excerpt from St. Maximilian Kolbe's writings, which is a glimpse into his mind as he asks the question, who is the Immaculate One? I hope you enjoy:

*Who is the Immaculate One? To this abrupt question it is not possible to give a satisfactory answer because this mystery transcends our human intelligence. She is the Mother of God, and her name is the Immaculate One. When God showed Himself to Moses, He said of Himself: I am the One who is (Ex. 3,14)—in other words, I am Being itself. When St. Bernadette asked the most Blessed Mother her name, Mary replied: I am the Immaculate Conception. Such is the Immaculate One defined by her own words.
But what does the expression Immaculate Conception mean? The word conception tells us that she is not eternal, that she had a beginning. Immaculate tells us that from the first instant of her existence there never was in her the least conflict with God's will. The Immaculate One is the most perfect of all creatures...She was immaculate because she was to become the Mother of God; she became the Mother of God because she was immaculate.

Mother of God! The human mind cannot grasp what God is. Neither can we comprehend the dignity of the Mother of God. It is easier to understand a title like servant of God; daughter of God is more difficult to grasp; but Mother of God transcends our minds completely.
God calls creatures into being when He creates them. Then, in their movement of return to God, these creatures draw near to Him and come to resemble their Creator more and more. God comes to this most perfect Creature, the Immaculate One; and the fruit of Their love is Jesus Christ, the Mediator between the Creator and all creatures...

True knowledge of the Immaculate One can only be acquired in prayer. The purer a soul is, the greater efforts it makes to avoid sin; and if it does happen to sin, it tries its best to rise from sin and to make up for its fault by love. The more humble it is, and the more spirit of penance it shows, the more and better it will get to know the Immaculata. (Conference 26.VII.39)*

It is sometimes hard for me to believe how much different my life is since my consecration. It truly was a turning point in my journey towards our Heavenly King. We look forward to bringing you more writings of the MI founder, so that we can grow in our knowledge of  Mary our Mother, form a better relationship with her, and through her become better disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Immaculata is always there, shining like a brilliant star in the night to guide us all to her Son, and to make us her own sons and daughters in the process. She molds us, preparing us for what we are called to: Sanctity. She is the best example of purity in our fallen race; we should spend our days (especially during this month of May) trying to imitate her virtues, asking her to pray for us, and praying that the Holy Ghost gives us more insight into the role the Immaculata has in our lives so we can become Saints, like Maximilian Kolbe. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Supplication to the Immaculata

Supplication to the Immaculata by Pope Pius XII:

Queen of the most holy Rosary, Help of Christians, refuge of the human race, victorious in all the battles of God, we prostrate ourselves in supplication before thy throne, in the sure hope of obtaining mercy and of receiving grace and timely aid in our present calamities, not through any merits of our own on which we do not rely, but only through the immense goodness of thy mother's Heart. In thee and in thy Immaculate Heart, at this grave hour of human history, do we put our trust; to thee we consecrate ourselves, not only with all of Holy Church, which is the mystical body of thy Son Jesus, and which is suffering in so many of her members, being subjected to manifold tribulations and persecutions, but also with the whole world, torn by discords, agitated with hatred, the victim of its own iniquities.

Be thou moved by the sight of such material and moral degradation, such sorrows, such anguish, so many tormented souls in danger of eternal loss! Do thou, O Mother of mercy, obtain for us from God a Christ-like reconciliation of the nations, as well as those graces which can convert the souls of men in an instant, those graces which prepare the way and make certain the long desired coming of peace on earth. O Queen of peace, pray for us, and grant peace unto the world in the truth, the justice, and the charity of Christ. Above all, give us peace in our hearts, so that the kingdom of God may spread its borders in the tranquillity of order. Accord thy protection to unbelievers and to all those who lie within the shadow of death; cause the Sun of Truth to rise upon them; may they be enabled to join with us in repeating before the Savior of the world:

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men of good will."

Give peace to the nations that are separated from us by error or discord, and in a special manner to those peoples who profess a singular devotion toward thee; bring them back to Christ's one fold, under the one true Shepherd. Obtain full freedom for the holy Church of God; defend her from her enemies; check the ever-increasing torrent of immorality; arouse in the faithful a love of purity, a practical Christian life, and an apostolic zeal, so that the multitude of those who serve God may increase in merit and in number. Ask thy Son to send us holy priests and in numbers to serve the needs of the Catholic faithful. Be thou the mother of priests and seminarians, keeping them pure, devoted to thee and thy Son, maintain them as men set apart and exclusive for serving the Holy Trinity and thee. Do not let the torrents of worldly woes touch them. And give us a more tender love for thy Immaculate Heart so that we may draw closer to thee and to them by praying for them faithfully.

O Mary, Mother most pure, through whose compassion we have received the holiest of priests; O glorious Patriarch, St. Joseph, perfect model of cooperation with the Divine call; O holy priests, who in Heaven compose a choice choir about the Lamb of God: obtain for us many good vocations in order that the Lord's flock, through the support and government of vigilant shepherds, may attain you the enjoyment of the most delightful pastures of eternal happiness.

Finally, even as the Church and all mankind were once consecrated to the Heart of thy Son Jesus, because He was for all those who put their hope in Him an inexhaustible source of victory and salvation, so in like manner do we consecrate ourselves forever to thee also and to thy Immaculate Heart, O Mother of us and Queen of the world; may thy love and patronage hasten the day when the kingdom of God shall be victorious and all the nations, at peace with God and with one another, shall call thee blessed and intone with thee, from the rising of the sun to its going down, the everlasting "Magnificat" of glory, of love, of gratitude to the Heart of Jesus, in which alone we can find truth, life, and peace. Amen

Marians of the Immaculate Conception

Today I had a happy experience of meeting a missionary from the Marianist Fathers. The Church is bigger than our own backyard here in Southeast Texas. Thousands of priest, women and men religious  and lay people dedicate their lives to furthering the cause of the Gospel and ministering to the suffering in our world through the Church's missionary endeavors. We have an obligation to support these efforts financially and with our prayers.  The Marians of the Immaculate Conception are wonderful group! I chatted with the missionary about the Militia of the Immaculata in Beaumont and he got very excited. He encouraged our work. Click here to help the Marians of the Immaculate Conception continue their work.

I am very grateful for the Marianist Fathers because it is from the Marians of the Immaculate Conception that I first heard of the MI. I read a book that they put out called 33 Days to Morning Glory. The book has a whole chapter on the life of St. Maximilian Kolbe.

The Marians of the Immaculate Conception  provide a wonderful free Mary iPhone/droid application and I encourage all to download it.

Here is a excerpt from the Mary app:

According to St. Louis de Montfort, total consecration to Jesus through Mary (Marian consecration) is “the surest, easiest, shortest and the most perfect means” to becoming a saint. To get the full story on Marian consecration, one should read de Montfort’s classic work, True Devotion to Mary. But for those who don’t have time to read it anytime soon, here’s a summary of Marian consecration.

To properly understand the essence of total consecration to Jesus through Mary, we’ll first need to reflect on an important point: Jesus wants to include all of us in his work of salvation. In other words, he doesn’t just redeem us and then expect us to kick back and relax. On the contrary, he puts us to work. He wants all of us to labor in his Father’s vineyard in one way or another. Why he didn’t just snap his fingers and make it so that everyone in the world would individually hear and understand the Gospel by some private, mystical revelation, we don’t know. We do know that Jesus relies on others to spread his Gospel and that he commissions his disciples to preach the Gospel to all (see Mt 28:19-20). He basically says to them and to us, “Let’s get to work!” Of course, that God wants to include us in his work of salvation is a great gift and glorious privilege. Truly, there’s no more important work to be done.

While everyone is called to lend a hand in the great work of salvation, not everyone has the same task. For example, St. Paul says, “There are varieties of service and … there are varieties of working” (1 Cor 12:5-6). He goes on to say that God has appointed to the work of salvation “first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, then healers, helpers, administrators” (v. 28). Whoever we are, God has appointed us to a special task in his great work.

Among the various roles God has given to his children, there’s one that’s radically more important than all the others: the task he gave to Mary. We all know that God uniquely blessed Mary by choosing her to conceive, bear, and nurture Jesus Christ, our Savior. But do we also realize that her blessed work didn’t end once Jesus left home and began his public ministry? After the three years of Mary’s hidden life during Jesus’ public ministry, Jesus brought her back into the picture of his work of salvation at its most crucial time, the “hour” of his Passion. At that hour, we might say he fully revealed Mary’s special role — the same role she had begun some 33 years before and that she still continues.

Jesus fully revealed Mary’s special role shortly before his death. It happened when he looked down from the Cross and said to Mary as she stood with the Apostle John, “Woman, behold your son,” and to John, “Behold your mother” (Jn 19:26-27). At that moment, Jesus gave us one of his greatest gifts: his mother as our mother. Of course, Mary isn’t our natural mother. She’s our spiritual mother. In other words, just as it was once her task some 2,000 years ago to give birth to Christ, to feed and nurture him, and to help him grow and develop into a man, so also, from the time she first said yes to being the mother of Jesus until the end of time, Mary’s task is to give spiritual birth to Christians, to feed and nurture them with grace, and to help them grow to full stature in Christ. In short, Mary’s job is to help us grow in holiness. It’s her mission to form us into saints.

“Now, wait just a minute,” someone might say, “isn’t it the job of the Holy Spirit to make us holy?” Indeed, it is. The Holy Spirit is the Sanctifier. It is he who transforms us at our baptism from being mere creatures into members of the Body of Christ and who helps us in our ongoing transformation into Christ through continued conversion. Great. So how does Mary come into all of this?

Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit. At the Annunciation, the angel Gabriel declared to Mary that she would conceive and bear a son and that the Holy Spirit would overshadow her (see Lk 1:31-35). When Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word” (Lk 1:38), we can see most clearly that she’s the spouse of the Holy Spirit, for at that moment she gave the Holy Spirit permission to conceive Christ in her womb. Thus, at that moment, the already unfathomably deep bond between Mary and the Holy Spirit that had begun (in time) at the first moment of her Immaculate Conception was revealed as nothing less than a two-become-one marital union (see Gen 2:24). As a result of that union, the Holy Spirit is pleased to work and act through his spouse, Mary, for the sanctification of the human race. Of course, he didn’t have to be so united to Mary. It was his free choice (and that of the Father and the Son), and in that choice he takes delight.

So, it’s Mary’s great God-given task, in union with and by the power of the Holy Spirit, to form every human being into “another Christ,” that is, to unite everyone to the Body of Christ and form each person into a fully mature member of this body. Therefore, every human being is invited to rest in the womb of Mary and be transformed there, by the power of the Holy Spirit, more perfectly into Christ’s own image. Yes, if we want to become more fully Christ, then we need to belong more fully to Mary. By going to her and remaining with her, we allow her to accomplish her mission in us. We allow her to form us into other Christs, into great saints. But how do we do this? How do we belong more fully to Mary and allow her to fulfill her mission in us? Simple. We say yes, just like her.

Mary has a deep respect for human freedom. She knows from her own experience in Nazareth what a free yes to God can do (see Lk 1:38), and so she doesn’t pressure us into giving her our yes. Of course, she always cares for her children, but she won’t force us to enter into a deeper relationship with her. She surely invites us to such a relationship and patiently waits for us to accept her invitation, but she remains respectful. Still, if we could see how much longing hides behind her silence, we’d say yes to her if only to give her relief. In fact, saying yes to her gives her more than relief. It gives her joy. Great joy. And the more fully we say yes to Mary, the more joyful she becomes. For our yes gives her the freedom to complete her work in us, the freedom to form us into great saints. This brings us to the essence of what Marian consecration is all about.

Marian consecration basically means giving Mary our full permission (or as much permission as we can) to complete her motherly task in us, which is to form us into other Christs. Thus, by consecrating ourselves to Mary, each of us is saying to her:

Mary, I want to be a saint. I know that you also want me to be a saint and that it’s your God-given mission to form me into one. So, Mary, at this moment, on this day, I freely choose to give you my full permission to do your work in me, with your Spouse, the Holy Spirit.

As soon as Mary hears us make such a decision, she flies to us and begins working a masterpiece of grace within our souls. She continues this work for as long as we don’t deliberately choose to change our choice from a yes to a no, as long as we don’t take back our permission and leave her. That being said, it’s always a good idea for us to strive to deepen our yes to Mary. For the deeper our yes becomes, the more marvelously she can perform her works of grace in our souls.

One of the greatest aspects of being consecrated to Mary is that she’s such a gentle mother. She makes the lessons of the Cross into something sweet, and she pours her motherly love and solace into our every wound. Going to her and giving her permission to do her job truly is the “surest, easiest, shortest and the most perfect means” to becoming a saint. What joy it is to be consecrated to Jesus through Mary!

Clink Here to find out more about the Marians of the Immaculate Conception

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Put Down the Controller, Pick up Catholicism

The television is dangerous. It is from the television that a great number of lies and impurities invade the minds of children, and let’s face it, even adults; myself included. I did not realize this until recently when I began to spend more of my free time reading. Now when I turn on the TV, its relentless use of promiscuity, profanity, and macabre violence practically slaps me in the face. As time goes on, more and more profanity, sex, and gore find its way onto the television.  It is difficult to be pure and virtuous while at the same time exposed to shows that go completely against purity. I would wager that the majority of television shows, if not explicitly going against the Catholic Faith, implicitly go against it through the actions or words of the people within the program. 

 This is particularly dangerous for children and teenagers whose minds and consciences are being formed in a crucial stage of their life. Instead of learning to emulate the Saints, they emulate their favorite fictional character whose morality is questionable; instead of seeking the reality of Truth found within the Catholic Church, they look to ‘reality television’ for truth. I am not saying all television is evil, but I do think many shows are spiritually harmful. I also think overall it entraps us in to watching for long periods of time, becoming spiritual sloths. I have definitely been guilty of that. Instead of a TV marathon, we could nurture our mind and soul in other ways. I propose that instead of watching the television, we pick up a book and read.

When I speak of books, I am talking specifically about authentically Catholic ones. We have a rich treasury of written works by holy men and women who lived the Faith to the fullest, whose lives were spent in such closeness with our Blessed Lord that it is eye opening and inspiring to read. For instance, I just finished reading Interior Castle by Saint Teresa of Avila. In it, she describes the soul as a Castle made of a solid crystal, within which are many Mansions. In the center of the Castle is the Mansion where the King of Kings resides, calling us to come closer to Him. She then explains that as we pray, we enter into the Castle, stepping away from the outer dark with all its vipers (sin), and begin a journey towards Him who is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. It is both amazing to hear it described in such a way, as well as challenging to try and practice such constant prayer in life, totally dedicated to Jesus in everything.

This book and the life of St. Teresa of Avila are gems in the treasury of the Catholic Faith, but they are not the only ones. Within this treasury there are also a plethora of books written by other Saints and Doctors of the Church, teachings from the early Church Fathers, Papal documents, recorded sermons that challenged the culture and called people to strive for Sainthood, as well as nearly two thousand years of history that every Catholic needs to know about.

It may not be easy to do at first, but I guarantee reading authentic Catholic literature will edify you greatly. I have found that learning about the lives of Saints and holy people who lived the Faith in ages past has given me a strong anchor in life, taught me new ways of prayer and service, placing me closer to our Father in Heaven than I have ever been before. I think this is because instead of absorbing the information the TV is blasting at me with all its noise, I am actively and consciously seeking out the Truth in silence, assenting to the Lord of Lords not just with emotions, but with the will and intellect. I have a stack of books on my shelf, including works from St. Francis De Sales, St. Louis DeMontfort, St. Thomas Aquinas, and many others. There is no end to this treasury of literature in sight for me, and that is exciting!

Everything we do should be oriented towards Heaven, for giving glory to God, and for the salvation of souls. So let me ask you this, what is your living room oriented towards?

Friday, May 3, 2013

Marching Orders

Being totally consecrated to Jesus through Mary means:

Making a choice to be Mary's tool, servant, heel, son/daughter.

Being totally consecrated to Jesus through Mary means:

Making the choice to make Mary our Queen, our Mother, our Advocate, our Example.

But we have to choose. You and I have to choose to serve this secular world or God's Heavenly kingdom. We can't serve both- it's either or.

Being totally consecrated to Jesus through Mary means:

Choosing to be men and women who want to be TOTALLY faithful, true, and loyal to the Church and what She teaches.

Men and women of deep prayer and fasting. Men and women who will encourage others with our lives (not just our words) to be pure and holy.

Men and women who wish to see the glory, majesty, and reverence of the Mass return.

Men and women who are focused on evangelization, apologetics, and promoting true devotion to our Blessed Mother.

Men and women who use technology to spread the new evangelization but keep true to history, beauty, and truth.

Men and women who truly encourage each other to live out the faith.

Men and women who dare to battle the unorthodoxy that has invaded our chanceries, seminaries, schools and parishes.

Men and women who buck the culture but will eventually change it from the inside out.

Men and women who are not afraid to call-out moral relativism, heresy, protestantism, and secularism.

Men and women who wage war on the flesh, the world, and the demonic.

Men and women who feed the poor, visit the prisoners, and defend the unborn.

Men and women who are determined to find Jesus through Mary alongside Peter.

Consecrating yourself to Mary through the ideal of St. Maximilian Kolbe will be one of the most significant days of your life. You will be placing yourself under the mantle of Mary's protective care as the Immaculate Conception, Mother of the Church and Mediatrix of All Graces.

Through total consecration you cooperate with Mary in the work of building up and renewing the Church of the third millennium. She will enlighten your mind, guide your will, empower your efforts and intercede for you in a special way before the throne of the Father.

You will also share in the intercessory prayers of the MI religious communities, who pray daily for the success of the MI movement and the sanctification of its members.

Marian Consecration calls us to be the best version of ourselves: SAINTS!

Total Consecration means imitating Jesus by becoming totally dependent upon Mary. To live in Mary's womb.